Saturday 3 February 2018

Tutorial On Google WebmasterTool

                      Google Webmaster Tool


Google search console, previously known as Google webmaster tool is a free web service by Google for webmasters. It allows webmasters to check indexing status and optimizevisibility for their websites. It was on May 20, 2005 when Google webmaster tool was renamed to Google search console with few modifications to new version. Later in January 2018 Google introduced a new version of the search console with a refreshed user interface and improvements.


Search console has tools with will help the webmasters to:

·         Submit and check the sitemap and also helps the webmasters to check if   there is any errors in their sitemap.

·        Check and set the crawl rate, and view statistics about when Googlebot accesses a particular site.

·       List internal and external pages that link to the site.

·       Highlight to Google search elements of structured data which are used to enrich search hit entries.

·       Add or remove the property owners and associates of the web property.

·       Receive notifications from Google for manual penalties.

·       Get a list of links which Googlebot had difficulty crawling, including the error that Googlebot received when accessing the URLs in question.

·       Provides access to API to add, change and delete listings and lists the crawl errors.

Google webmaster tool is a Google service that allows you to analyze several features of your web sites. This tool is mostly useful for figuring what people are interested in. this tool also helps in improving our content if needed, it also helps in improving visibility of their pages.

How to Use Webmaster Tool

Installing webmaster onto a computer or laptop is an easy process all you have to do is:
1.    Sign into Google webmaster tools with your Google account.
2.    Add your site and then verify it.
3.    Add a MetaTag to all pages or add HTML file to the root directory.
Now you have completed the installation successfully and can start analyzing your data.

Verification to Webmaster tools

Before accessing any data on one site, you will have to prove that you are an authorized representative of the site. This is done through the verification process.
There are five main methods of verification currently in place for Google Webmaster Tools.
·       The HTML file upload
·       HTML tag
·       Domain Name Provider
·       Google Analytics
·       Google Tag Manager


The first screen you’ll see is the dashboard. This gives you a quickview into some of the more pertinent information for your site, along with any new messages from Google.

Site Messages


When Google wants to communicate with a webmaster, this is the place they’ll do so. There may be messages that inform you that you have pages infected with malware, that they’ve detected a large number of pages on your site, which may be an indication of other problems.



This section allows you to associate different Google accounts with your GoogleWebmasterTool account, so that they can be designated as officially connected to the account/site. They can’t see any data in GoogleWebmasterTool, but they can perform actions on behalf of your site.

Friday 2 February 2018

UpToDate Study On Google Analytics

                       How Google Analytics works in Google.


After reading this article, you will get a clear picture on how Google analytics works and its importance. Google analytics is a freemium web analyticsservice offered by Google. It was launched on November 2005. Google Analytics is now the most widely used web analytics service on the Internet.

Features of Google analytics

  • ·        Segmentation for analysis of subsets, such as conversions.
  • ·        Data visualization tools including a dashboard, scorecards and motion charts, which display changes in data over time.
  • ·        Email-based sharing and communication.
  • ·       Integration with other Google products, such as AdWords, Public Data Explorer and Website Optimizer.

Google Analytics is geared toward small and medium-sized retail websites.  The system collects data through JavaScript page tag inserted in the code of pages the user wants to collect data on. Google analytics have few limitations in their services which makes less useful for more complex websites and large enterprises.
Google Analytics is the most widely used website statistics service. Google Analytics is used around 55% of the 10,000 most popular websites.


Google Analytics comes into Action By inserting the Analytics code into your website or app, you’ll be able to track all of the traffic that it gets. This will help you make sure that visitors are getting the best experience possible.
1.   Visit Google analytics website. Click the “Access Analytics” button at the top-right corner of the site. This will take you to a new page that shows a brief rundown of how Analytics works. Click the “Sign up” button to create your Analytics account.

2.   Select between “website” or “ mobile app tracking “

3.   Enter account information In order to create your Analytics account, you will need to provide some basic information to Google. This will help determine how the Analytics data is interpreted and returned to you.

4.   Select data sharing option, out of the four options.

5.   Create the account. You'll be taken to the Admin page where you can find the Tracking ID for your website or mobile app.

6.   Visit the Google tag manager website. It is a tool from Google that makes implementing and changing analytics tags much easier across all of your sites and apps.

History of Google Analytics

Google acquired Urchin Software Corp in April 2005. The system also brings ideas from Adaptive Path, whose product, Measure Map, was acquired and used in the redesign of Google Analytics in 2006.  The Google-branded version was rolled out in November 2005 to anyone who wished to sign up. The newer version of Google Analytics tracking code is known as the asynchronous tracking code. Google claims it is more sensitive and accurate, and is able to track even very short activities on the website.  In April 2011 Google announced the availability of a new version of Google Analytics featuring multiple dashboards, more custom report options, and a new interface design. This version was later updated with some other features such as real-time analytics and goal flow charts.
 October 2012 another new version of Google Analytics was announced, called Universal Analytics. October 2017 the newest version of Google Analytics was announced, called “Global Site Tag”. Its purpose was to unify the tagging system to simplify implementation

Privacy Issues faced by Google Analytics

Google Analytics raises some privacy concerns. Whenever someone visits a website that uses Google Analytics, Google tracks that visit via the users IP Address in order to determine the user’s approximate geographic location. Realization of Google scripts tracking user behaviors has spawned the production of multiple, often open-source, browser plug-ins to reject tracking cookies. This plug-ins offer the user a choice, whether to allow Google Analytics to track his/her activities. On Jan 20, 2015 the associate press reported that is providing access to enrollees' personal data to private companies that specialize in advertising.


Wednesday 31 January 2018

Tips & Guiedlines On Page Optimization

                            On Page Optimization In SEO


On Page Optimization refers to all the measures taken directly to the website in order to improve its ranking position in the search engine. On page refers to both the content and HTML source code of a page that can be optimized.

The content of a page is the most important aspect for ranking in search engine. It is what the user came to see at first; hence it is very important to have a good content. A good content should be linkable.

Tips & Guidelines In Improving On-Page Optimization.

·       Keyword Optimization

Keyword Optimization is the process of researching, analyzing and selecting the best keywords to target drive qualified traffic from search engines to your website.

·       Interlinks

Internal links are links that points to another page on the same website. Internal links are hyperlinks that point at the same domain as the domain that the link exits on.

·       Meta Tags

Meta tags played a vital role in ranking website to the top position, Meta tags are responsible for letting know the Google spider crawlers about the website.

·       Rich Snippet

A snippet is a result Google shows to the user in their search results. A rich snippet is one which has a gooddescription on the website, will have a short and meaningful URL.

·       Keyword Density

Keyword density is the percentage of times a keyword or phrase appears on a web page compared to the total number of words on the page. Keyword density can be used to determine whether a web page is relevant to a specified keyword or keyword phrase.

·       Anchor text

Anchor text is a clickable blue text in a hyperlink which helps the reader get redirected to another website for a detailed note about the particular topic.

·       Inbound Links

An inbound link is a link coming from another site to your own website. Inbound is generally used by the person receiving the link. 

·       Outbound Links

Outbound links are links from your website to another website.

Some of the best ways to rank up the website are as follows:

§  Publish relevant content
§  Update content regularly
§  Have a link-worthy site
§  Use alt tags

Images often take most of the downloaded bytes on the website, image optimization is the process of optimizing an image to use it in a website with fewer byte space taken hence making the website to load faster.

This is the process of identifying the author of that particular page . Attribute rel=”author” confirms the authorship.

Monday 29 January 2018

Study On The History and Evolution Of Search Engine Optimization

History and Evolution of Search Engine Optimization     
Google was launched in 1998, the company has been continuously redesigning  its search algorithm to better match users with online content. Search engine Optimization is about making Small Modifications To parts of your Website, which will certainly create a good improvement on your site’s user experience & performance in the search engine result.

Three Basic Terms in SEO :

·       Crawling (discovery), Google crawls our site and records data & analysis on what our website is marketing and will list accordingly. This process is done by Google’s spider crawling

·       Indexing, after crawling has been done the result gets put onto Goggle’s index. Indexing is the process of adding website into Google page depending upon which Meta tag you used.

·       Ranking, it refers to a websites position in the search engine result page, this depends on the quality of backlinks pointing to the page. backlinks are links from outside that point to pages on your domain.

Search Engine Optimization is divided into two parts mainly

On-Page Optimization is the aspects of a given web page that influences search engine rankings, it is easy and user friendly to use.
Off-Page Optimization refers to all the measures outside of the website in order to improve its position in search rankings, these are measures that can create many high-quality backlinks as possible.
Webmasters, are the people who controls the website and make changes to the page if necessary to get listed in the ranking Webmaster is a tool that helps in informing us if there is any problems accessing the website such as increased crawling errors, unnatural links and more .
          seo evolution

                          Evolution of SEO

Google became content specific, this led to a problem known as “Keyword stuffing “It is the process of unnecessarily adding more and more keyword in a content to list them self in top of the ranking list and lacked good content which made Google users unsatisfied.

There are 3 types of SEO experts

·       BLACK HAT EXPERTS are those who follow these non-ethical practices to get listed in top of Google ranking, such as hidden text, keyword stuffing, duplicate content, bait and switch and so more.
·       WHITE HAT EXPERTS are those who follow the rules and guide lines of the Google and struggles hard to get their website listed in Google with ethical practices.
·       GREY HAT EXPERTS also known as growth hackers are those whose practises are much riskier than White Hat SEO, but one that may or may not result in your sites being banned from search engine.
Due to these Black Hat and Grey Hat SEO’s Google keep making changes or updating their algorithm in order to punish these unethical SEO users by banning their website from Google or listing them out from search engine. The CHANGES that Google made along these year to improve there search engine are by bring in the following updates in their algorithm.
Ø Keyword met tags are snippets of text that describe a page’s content; they are little content descriptors that tell search engine what the web page is about. Meta tags only exist in HTML.
After this Google search engine became
Ø Link Specific, Google decided to rank the websites by the number of links they have or get for their website. More links in website more value, this was the new policy introduced
Later it became
Ø Quality link specific, by this Google ranked websites according to the number of quality links they have, Google modified links by giving them ratings from 0 to 10. Hence links with higher rating got preference and the ranking of websites with such links became on top position.
Ø Passing the Juice, Link juice is the term used in the SEO world to refer to the value or equity passed from one page or site to another. This value is passed through hyperlinks. Search engines see links as votes by other websites that your page is valuable and worth promoting.
Hyperlink Anchor Text is the visible, clickable text in a hyperlink. In modern browsers it is often blue and underlined.

Later Google stared advertising products through Google ad words, this is a system where people could pay and promote their products and websites.
2008, Google became more user friendly, Google suggest came into place, by typing the fest few words, google started giving suggesting totheir users making it more easier. But only if the user is logged inn.
This is the year when Bounce rate started affecting the websites ranking, i.e. users not spending sufficient time in a website and quickly going in search of a better one.
Pogo Sticking also started affecting the ranking of websites, pogo-sticking occurs when a website ranks highly but fails to satisfy the needs of people using that search term. If this becomes a common occurrence on your landing pages, Google and other search engines will come to the conclusion that your page is ranking for the term erroneously and your rankings will drop. 
google pegion update

 2010 was the most powerful year for Google, they started dominating the industry. Their social media changes to Google media authority.
 2011 Google started a new team named Web Spam Team to maintain the quality of their search engine and give only good results to their users. Further modifications were made to ensure quality and trust to their users hence PANDA UPDATE was introduced.

  1. The Panda Update was first launched in February 2011 This update is designed to target sites with low quality content and prevent them from ranking well in search engine results pages. They removed content spammers from search engine.Their methords in removing content spammers where according to 

           ·       Copy/content plagiarism/content duplication
           ·       Grammar/ spelling mistakes
           ·       Content spinning
           ·       Thin pages(low content)
           ·       Keyword stuffing
In 2014 May 20th an updated version of Panda was added to their algorithm named “Panda 4.0” this update was responsible for removing millions of websites with content duplication. Panda update became a main algorithm; it became the permanent filtration process in Google.

2.    Penguin update came into action from October 5, 2012 .This update was introduced to fight against;

·       Link Spamming
·       Link Exchange
·       Link Selling/Buying
·       Link Farming
·       Content Spamming
·       Wiki Spamming  &
·       Guest Blogging
Later this update was upgraded with “Penguin 4.0 version” on September 23rd of 2016. This version penguin update became Real time i.e. punishment on link spammers became on the spot, as and when one does it.

3.    Pigeon Update was announced on July 2014 and this update was responsible for “locally listing SEO” on to their website. The pigeon update compared to the other updates in the Google algorithm is very minute update.

4.    On 2012, April 16th a new update named parked domains
A Parked Domain is a domain that usually sits underneath the Primary domain. Parking is a function of a DNS (Domain Name Server) entry, where the DNS zone for both the parked and primary domains resolves to the same document root.

5.    Exact-Match Domain (EMD) update is a filter Google launched in September 2012 to prevent poor quality sites from ranking well simply because they had words that match search terms in their domain names. When a fresh EMD Update happens, sites that have improved their content may regain good rankings. New sites with poor content or those previously missed by EMD may get caught.

6.    August 20th 2013 was the day when Hummingbird update was launched . This update became a semantic search result, Semantic SEO refers to a question  that produces meaningful results, even when the results don’t contain an exact match of the words 

A new version of this update is “Rank Brain update”. This update was announced on October 26th 2015, is an artificial intelligence system that helps Google process some of its search results. It is based upon feedbacks.

7.    2015 April 21st was the year when Mobilegeddon update was introduced to their algorithm to make Google become mobile friendly as more users started using mobile phones and tabs more than of laptops and computers . it became a Responsive device i.e. website adjusting to the width of the tab or phone,tap targets should be placed properly , texting should be readable without zooming or tapping ,should be vertical scrolling  and so on. If these requirements weren’t fulfilled by the websites Google removed them out of their search engine. This was the main responsibility of Mobilegeddon update.