Saturday 3 February 2018

Tutorial On Google WebmasterTool

                      Google Webmaster Tool


Google search console, previously known as Google webmaster tool is a free web service by Google for webmasters. It allows webmasters to check indexing status and optimizevisibility for their websites. It was on May 20, 2005 when Google webmaster tool was renamed to Google search console with few modifications to new version. Later in January 2018 Google introduced a new version of the search console with a refreshed user interface and improvements.


Search console has tools with will help the webmasters to:

·         Submit and check the sitemap and also helps the webmasters to check if   there is any errors in their sitemap.

·        Check and set the crawl rate, and view statistics about when Googlebot accesses a particular site.

·       List internal and external pages that link to the site.

·       Highlight to Google search elements of structured data which are used to enrich search hit entries.

·       Add or remove the property owners and associates of the web property.

·       Receive notifications from Google for manual penalties.

·       Get a list of links which Googlebot had difficulty crawling, including the error that Googlebot received when accessing the URLs in question.

·       Provides access to API to add, change and delete listings and lists the crawl errors.

Google webmaster tool is a Google service that allows you to analyze several features of your web sites. This tool is mostly useful for figuring what people are interested in. this tool also helps in improving our content if needed, it also helps in improving visibility of their pages.

How to Use Webmaster Tool

Installing webmaster onto a computer or laptop is an easy process all you have to do is:
1.    Sign into Google webmaster tools with your Google account.
2.    Add your site and then verify it.
3.    Add a MetaTag to all pages or add HTML file to the root directory.
Now you have completed the installation successfully and can start analyzing your data.

Verification to Webmaster tools

Before accessing any data on one site, you will have to prove that you are an authorized representative of the site. This is done through the verification process.
There are five main methods of verification currently in place for Google Webmaster Tools.
·       The HTML file upload
·       HTML tag
·       Domain Name Provider
·       Google Analytics
·       Google Tag Manager


The first screen you’ll see is the dashboard. This gives you a quickview into some of the more pertinent information for your site, along with any new messages from Google.

Site Messages


When Google wants to communicate with a webmaster, this is the place they’ll do so. There may be messages that inform you that you have pages infected with malware, that they’ve detected a large number of pages on your site, which may be an indication of other problems.



This section allows you to associate different Google accounts with your GoogleWebmasterTool account, so that they can be designated as officially connected to the account/site. They can’t see any data in GoogleWebmasterTool, but they can perform actions on behalf of your site.

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